June ?
"Night to Remember"
More info coming... This will be her teams end of year performance!!
(She will be doing all competition dances and extras i think)
Lysi's coach talked to me after the last competition. She would like me to tell ALL of you to please NOT come into the dressing area. That you are more than welcome to come congratulate her on the good job between each routine as she's walking from the staging area to the dressing room. But that then she needs to get changed and then be left with her team focusing on her next routine and focus on being a team member. Even I leave the dressing room after she is dressed and ready for her next routine. She was distracted last competition and it showed in her dancing and apparently Craig and I were not the only ones that noticed!! I pay a lot for Lysi to have this opportunity dancing for a advanced team, and Lysi works her but off to get where she is!!
Please try and be understanding and please be respectful to Lysi so she gets the best experience that she deserves!!
Please try and be understanding and please be respectful to Lysi so she gets the best experience that she deserves!!
We will know a closer time frame of when she dance at each competition only the week of the competition.
When you arrive you may purchase a program. That is where you will find out her dance numbers and about what time she'll be performing each dance. Her Jazz routine is called "Ruby Blue", her Lyrical routine is called "Rainbow", and her Hip-Hop is called "Shake It".
Her team is called "The Dance Factory".
April 14th.
"Aspire Dance Competition"
Cottonwood High School
(she will be competing her Jazz, Lyrical & Hip-Hop dances here)
Entrance Fee is Free!
She is scheduled to dance at
9:20am, 10:27am. and 3:00pm.
Remember these maybe up to a half hour early or late!
April 21st.
"Rocky Mountain Classic Competition"
Roy High School
(she will be competing her Jazz, Lyrical & Hip-Hop dances here)
Entrance Fee is unknown right now!
May 19th.
"Utah Dance Championships Competition"
Taylorsville High School
(she will be competing her Jazz, Lyrical & Hip-Hop dances here)
Entrance Fee is unknown right now!

Braxton's Baseball Schedule
Braxton had try-outs this year. He made the Red Sox team!! We will post his schedule as soon as I get it!
I do know his first game is April 21st. however I do not know the time yet!!
Kadens games have started... I have the schedule I will post it as soon as I find it!! lol!!