February 20, 2013

Wow Time Flys!!

Wow does time fly
It's been almost a year since I've updated this!! Not only has so much happened in a year but we are getting ready to add a new addition to our erixon family!!

Lysi is dancing again this year and is beginning to be so advanced! Competitions start next month. I will post the dates and locations under kids activities! She got a new phone for her birthday this year, it's a talk and txt only phone. She is proving that she can be responsible and old enough to follow the rules and guide lines of having the that kind of responsibility!!

This last year brax has done baseball, football, basketball and wrestling! He is one busy kid and keeps us running everywhere!! He loved football and I believe we are now part of the football world!! He is also now part of the Bountiful Children's Chior!! He loves singing and is now part of a group that teaches him and that he can perform with.

This year he hasn't really tried a whole lot. But this year we are signing him up for all the sports so he can at least say he tried them. He says he doesn't like them but when he goes to Braxton's practices or he's there when Craig is working with Braxton he always gets involved and likes to do it to!! We just don't think he knows he likes them because he's never really tried them!! But this year will be different!

Baby Taygan will be coming soon!! We are scheduled to have her on March 17th. On one hand I hope she doesn't come earlier cuz I really want her to be a St. Patties baby. But on the other hand I'm getting soo miserable!!

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