
The kids got these pictures taken at the end of 2011. They are so cute and they love each other so much!! We are always amazed at how fast they have come together as a brothers and sister. We were told when we were first getting married by a family counselor that with the ages our kids were it would take about 4 to 6 years for them to even start coming together as a team and act like blood siblings. Well we've been married for only 2 1/2 years and they're not fully there but a lot further than we ever imagined!! They stand up for each other, at school Braxton and saw that Kaden wasn't playing with anyone so they played together. They are mostly willing to help each other.!! The Hardest part we have with any of them is when Lysi and Kaden are gone for the weekend, then they have to adjust all over again!! But they are starting to adjust back faster and faster each time.
Kaden had to do his first report for school this year in 1st. grade. The report was suppose to be on a animal. Kaden choose to do this on Tigers. We went to the zoo so Kaden could see a live one while he was learning about them. He helped take all the pictures that he used on his poster, he was so excited that he got to use pictures of the tiger he actually saw! He searched in the kids encyclopedia and found that Tigers are the biggest of the cat family, they hunt at night, they love swimming and bathing in the hot weather. He also learned that if you shaved all the hair off a tiger it's actual skin is also striped. He colored his poster and taped the pictures on himself and had so much fun doing this!!